
Changing Perspectives

All we have to bring to the table is our experience thus far. Those experiences are both general (with people) and specific (with individuals). When specific understanding is confirmed by generalities, perceptions become concrete. When general experiences are matched by specifics, perception changes.

Every choice has it own set of new circumstances. Restlessness causes one to consider that the devil-you-do-not-know is better than the devil-you-know. However, quitting the job or leaving the marriage brings with it both solutions and problems. If the problem within you has not been settled, it shows up in the next employment or relationship.

Look within. Monitor your pre-conceived perceptions for truth or error. Check your attitude for off-putting or engaging. Screen your responses for answers rather than comebacks.

Change your mind. Each time you feel negative, stop, acknowledge the thought and deliberately dismiss it. Look deeply to find the root of your emotion and consciously replace it with the greater truth of your potential. As Coach Lombardi says, “Potential meals you ain’t done it yet.” This practice is profoundly spiritual and life changing. Use it. Embrace it.

Make a decision. Indecision keeps you stuck. Wrong decisions can be examined and corrected but indecision causes one to stagnate.

Renew your environment. The space in which you live and work have a major impact on the way you see things. Move the furniture, add new accents, and replace dated items. Changing small things about your environment gives the opportunity to think differently as your mind will not have the familiar rut to fall back into. A commitment to date-night can work wonders in a sagging marriage.

Use the zoom focus. When you are overwhelmed with tiny, yet significant details, zoom out and see the bigger picture. When the demands of marriage, parenting or work seem too much, project years down the road to relaxation, grandchildren and retirement. Mentally see the end result of your current struggles. This skill can be your saving grace.

Consciously relax. The ability to relax is directly connected to constructive critical thinking. Look honestly at the situation and develop an “even though” mantra. “Even though I am engulfed with frustration, I lovingly accept that I am a person of infinite worth and value and I release my failure.”

Think about what you think about. The soil will return whatever seeds you sow, but the land does not care what you plant. You become what you think. Whatever seeds you nurture in your mind will return to you. Make them encouraging and positive about you and about others.

Even though bring to the table our experience thus far, we are not static individuals; we are continually being exposed to new information. Become aware of it and be open to change.

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