
Time Management Tips

There is no more time to be made. Everyone is allotted 24 hours a day, how we use it is up to us. Effective is doing things in order of priority that results in production and fulfillment.

Efficient is getting the job done without expending undue energy or resources, or engaging in stress. I would like to help you be both effective and efficient. This is done through personal management, not just of time but also of every aspect of your life: physical and emotional, tangible and intangible.

Read the definitions below.

Effective – doing the right things in order of priority which results in production and fulfillment

Efficient – doing things right the first time without expending undue energy or resources

Personal Management – accepting personal responsibility for my personal actions, attitudes and results

Pro-Active – acting before a crises arrives; pre-planning

Values – measure of desire; worthwhile, treasure, important

Planning – what you need to do or want to do to make your life more meaningful Scheduling - when to do the things you have planned

Vision – having a clear sense of what is possible

Commitment – the method of transforming potential into reality

As you learn to be both effective and efficient, remember planning is what and scheduling is when. First determine what. Get a legal pad and divide a page into several sections, i.e. kid’s activities, organizing my home, me-time, my schooling needs, chores, errands, etc. As you go through the day and things come to mind, write down what you want or need to do in each area. Right now all you are doing is writing it down.

Look at the things you have written down and get a calendar and begin to consider when these things will be done. Some are scheduled for you, such as doctor’s appointments or ball games. Other things you need to schedule in between those already mandated. Spread the items on your legal pad over a month.

It is also effective to have a Family Command Center where you can see at a glance the activities provided and plan the ones you can attend. Here's how:


Place a month-at-a-glance appointment calendar in a central location

Train each family member to write in appointments or activities as scheduled

In a convenient location, have a box or basket labeled with each family member’s name. Place mail or found stray-items in the box for the individual to take care of.

Train each individual to audit his box frequently, a minimum of once a day.

Use an initial reward system for compliance. Have a tough-love method of truth or consequences.

In a convenient location, keep an on-going categorized list of items needed or errands to run.

Train each individual to be pro-active to keep a well-stocked pantry by adding to the list when something needs to be purchased or replaced (i.e. the cereal is getting low).
Following these ideas can add hours to your day and enjoyment to your life. Let me know how they are working for you. Also share your time management tricks with me. Let me hear from you. mdunkin@flash.net

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