
More on Being Effective and Efficient

Here are more helpful suggestions to make the most of your organization and time management. And a wonderful by-product is reduced stress and more life enjoyment.

16. Set limits on how long a task will take. Murphy’s law of work expanding to the allotted time is true. Be realistic in the time assigned, but do set a limit.

17. Learn the joy of a job well done. Give up the stress of perfectionism; it stifles fun and creativity.

18. TNT – today not tomorrow.

19. Do it right the first time. We lie to ourselves with the promise to do it over and better later. Anytime you are expending energy on a project, do it with excellence and be done with it. If it is not up to your standards, promise yourself to learn from your mistakes and make every effort to do better the next time.

20. Cooperate with others. Work together. Get your family involved, from the youngest to the oldest, including your mate.

21. Know the limits of “your job”. Are you taking on too much by trying to do yours and everyone else’s job also?

22. Determine the difference between urgent and important. What would happen if you don’t do this?

23. Focus on priorities - daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Get in touch and stay in touch.

24. Trust others. Do not become involved in problems others can handle without your input. Determine who owns the problem and let him/her work it out for himself/herself.

25. Make a commitment to someone else of what you are going to do. Let him/her share in your accomplishment. This is a great way of holding yourself accountable to your goals.

26. The best minute spent is the one invested in people. People are our greatest assets. Never lose sight of the importance of relationships.

27. The value of relationship. Since people are our greatest assets, see family members, customers and fellow workers as investments, not as time wasters.

28. Carpe Diem – Seize the moment.

29. Seconds count. Know that seconds are attached to minutes, minutes are attached to hours, hours are attached to days, days are attached to weeks, weeks are attached to years, years are attached to a lifetime, a lifetime is attached to eternity.

Time is important. Manage it well. May this paraphrase of Scriptures speak to your spirit.

Wake up! Live life, and Christ will make the day to dawn upon you and give you light.
Watch your step; walk in wisdom and not foolishness.
Redeem the time – make the most of each second - for the days
are evil and fast approaching the end. So do not be unwise
(waste your time and energy pursuing things that do not count)
but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:14-17 MD paraphrase
Soon I will revisit these topics and write more extensively on each one. Let me hear from you regarding any topic you would like to see addressed. mdunkin@flash.net

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