
Overcoming Skills

Do you have a bad case of the “overs”? You know, "over-scheduled", "over-committed", "over-spending", "over-reacting"… and in the process become “over-bearing”? Not to worry. You can tap into and maximize your individual talent through personal empowerment. Here are some thoughts for overcoming.

It’s all about choices. Make them. Use them. Limit them. Too many choices are stressful, causing you to second-guess yourself. Choose to be who you are. It is okay to like what you like.

Be harsh on behavior, gentle on the person - whether this is directed toward you, your mate, your child, your parent, your co-worker or whomever. Realize each person has infinite worth and value as a human being that has chosen attitudes or behaviors that are not acceptable. Address behavior, never personhood.

Realize that everything has trade-offs. Get real. Get honest. Is what you are pursuing worth what you are giving up? If not, what can you choose to do about it? Get things in proper perspective and determine priorities. Continually assess what is most important in your life. Challenge the lies you have bought into and are trying to live up to (or down to).

“Of course you don’t love your life, look at everything you are trying to do.” - quote

This too shall pass
- the good things and the not-so-good things. So don’t get stuck. Children grow up, parents die, school ends, and jobs change. Embrace the moment, love it, learn from it and graciously move on.

Determine what is neutral. Truth is neutral, whether agreed with it or not. Signal lights are neutral, whether running late or not. Time is neutral, whether managed or not. Money is neutral, whether spent wisely or not. Information is neutral, whether embraced or argued against.

Examine the ironies of life. Are fast foods really fast? Or do they add to fat as well as fatigue? Do labor saving devices really save labor? Or do they clutter cabinets and add to overload.

Quiet time is essential. Energy is everywhere and is cultivated by times of quiet and honest reflection. Slow down. Hurry less and relax more. Don’t make everything a crisis.

“Hurry, but don’t rush.” Coach John Wooden

Give up perfection. There is no such animal! Consider the reality that if something is perfect, then there is no room for growth and the next step is deterioration. Go for excellence. Do the best you can with the goal of continual improvement.

Develop a support base. It is okay to need help. Ask for it, receive it, and appreciate it. Hire help if possible. Barter with friends on projects, cooking, shopping, chores, child care, lawn or mechanic work, etc. Divvy up responsibilities among co-workers and family members.

Have fun! Develop a sense of humor. Enjoy parenting, school, work and home. Love LIFE!

Don’t cope, overcome. Coping is too stressful; overcoming is empowering. I have developed a dramatic series of life-changing solution principles that address the universal need of people. I would love to share them with you. Please let me hear from you.

We welcome reprinting of articles in your newsletter or magazine, providing credit is given as follows: “This article was written by Mona Dunkin, Motivational Speaker and Personal Success Coach, www.monadunkin.blogspot.com or www.monadunkin.com.”

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