
Effective Planning

“You can never rise above your calendar.”  Ed Eudis

Nothing worthwhile is accomplished without planning. Because an occasionally wish comes true, one may erroneously think a goal has been set and attained. Here are strategies to move you beyond hoping and wishing to a plan with results.

Plan to plan and to keep on planning.  Schedule in time for planning and evaluation.  The more time one spends in planning means less time spent in execution.  Without a plan to continue planning,  new problems may go unnoticed until many hours of execution time has been spent.

Prepare a mission statement.  Determine the primary purpose and the ways to get there. 
    * Strategic planning = vision casting, big picture, overall scope of project, enthusiasm
    * Operational planning = who, what, when, where, cost, time line, means of evaluation

Determine where you are now. 
  •  who and what do we have within the organization?
  • are the right people at the top to accomplish our goals?
  • do we have complete knowledge of the mission? 
  • do we have complete knowledge of our capabilities?  of my team’s capabilities? 
  • are we set up to receive constant feedback and open communication?
  • who and what do we need from outside the organization?
  • whose advice do we need to seek?  who has done this before us?
  • what trends are developing?  where is the market going?
  • what needs should be addressed now?  What needs may arise in the future?
  • who are we serving now and in the future?
  • what needs are we meeting now or will need to meet in the future? 
  • what are our short, mid, and long-term steps (goals)?
  • who is responsible for what area (chain of command)?
  • how do we make our objectives known to those above us, those below us, the public?
  • what will be our expenses and source of funding/income?
  • how will we determine ways to assess staying on target?

Prioritize.  Priorities are those things that come first in importance and take precedence over the little two minute jobs that seem so important. They are those things that bring the most results and personal satisfaction when completed or engaged in.

Plan and schedule.  It takes both to get results.  Remember, planning is the “what” you need or want to do to make your life meaningful and effective. Scheduling is the “when” you will do the things you have planned.

Use effective planning to make all your dreams come true.

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