
In Every Thing Give Thanks

In all things give thanks for this is God’s will for you. Apostle Paul

Even though the day set aside to celebrate Thanksgiving has past, It is always good to give pause to count our blessings.

I am thankful for being born an American where we have certain unalienable rights and where we are free to exercise them, or to take them for granted, or to ignore them.

I am thankful for the Pilgrims who braved an angry ocean and withstood seeming insurmountable hardships to blaze a country with freedom to worship.

I am thankful for our forefathers and their foresight and wisdom of our Constitution and the many freedoms afforded us. Even though it has been abused and taken to extremes, I am thankful for free speech.

I am thankful for my family of chance: For parents who lived godly values and taught me character, integrity and an appreciation for work. I am thankful for my sister who begged for a sibling and then mothered me to a fault. I am thankful for my brothers who taught me to be tough and tender.

I am especially thankful for my family of choice. I am thankful for my husband of 45 years; a gentle man who is secure enough in himself to give me the freedom to be who I am. I am thankful for our daughter and her special love, laughter and inspiration. I am thankful for our son-in-law for being so good to us, to our daughter and to our grandchildren. I am thankful for our four beautiful, funny and delightful grandchildren. I am thankful for the fifth grandchild on the way.

I am thankful for assorted relatives who have touched my life in various ways – some good, some bad – but all uniting us as a family. I am thankful for friends, neighbors, acquaintances and for those special comrades, who laugh with me, cry with me, grow with me. I am thankful for each person who has touched my person in a unique way.

I am thankful for less obvious reasons.  I am thankful for misunderstandings, because they teach me to strive to be a better communicator; for criticism, for it forces me to examine actions and attitudes of self-righteousness, and leads to repentance; for failures, because they make me appreciate successes; for adversity, because it is in the winter that roots grow deepest to find fresh nourishment; for financial reverses, because it helps me to be grateful for what I have.

I am thankful for challenges that tax every fiber of my being, for it forces me to grow in new directions. I am thankful for dreams, ideas and goals, for they keep me active and energetic and alive. I am thankful for a contented mind and a grateful heart.

When it may seem difficult to be thankful in those trying times, may you receive understanding through the insights of Author Oswald Chambers:

weaknesses that show our need for His strength
difficulties that can keep us close to Jesus
hardships that keep us hidden in Him each moment
earthly disappointments that set our hearts on eternity.

Need a Life Coach? Contact Mona at 254-749-6594 or mona@monadunkin.com

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